Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Learn to Speak Martian 2 ‎

Here is another lesson on Martin, the official language that would be spoken since the ‎Martians invaded ten days a go. ‎

Here are some exampled from the Martian run news agency. You can find more of them ‎on the following website www.app.com.pk. ‎

Remember that Martian is diametrically opposite to English and logic and reason don’t ‎apply. With that we start todays lesson. ‎

Pakistan’s geo-strategic location, conducive policies attracting investment: President

Translation: Why the f*&% would you invest in Pakistan? Don’t you have any better ‎place to invest? I have taken this place to the dogs. If you are too dumb to not realize that, ‎then you should suffer the consequences. ‎

Islamabad Consumers Protection (Amendment) Ordinance, 2007 promulgated

After the media and the judiciary it is time for the ordinary consumer to take a banana in ‎the hole. ‎

Price Control and Prevention of Profiteering and Hoarding (Amendment Ordinance, 2007 promulgated)‎

Just in case you escaped the first one. Here is another one to control the dangerous public. ‎

People across country laud elections announcement: PM

People in the country would be laughing their asses off if the situation was not that ‎serious. This is a great achievement. ‎

Journalists’ economic empowerment government achievement: Durrani

Yes the journalists in Pakistan are having a ball of time. Their jobs are secure and they ‎are allowed to work fearlessly as possible. Yeah right. ‎

1 comment:

-Fraz- said...

Good blog ... thanks ... btw i never realized that this app website even existed :)